
Introduction example of
Pressurized IH Rice Cooking facility SILK

Management with Sincerity for Rice and Local Communities

BEISHIN ISHIKAWA inc. (Kanazawa City, Ishikawa Prefecture) operates a rice and rice cooking business mainly based in Ishikawa Prefecture. In recent years, we have been focusing on processed rice products such as vinegared rice and rice balls, meeting a variety of needs by selling to elementary and junior high school school lunches, universities, supermarkets, and the restaurant industry. We also strive to contribute to the local community by using raw materials produced in Ishikawa Prefecture whenever possible.

Company Profile

Company name | BEISHIN ISHIKAWA inc.
Address | 1-1 Matsushima, Kanazawa City, Ishikawa Prefecture
Representative | Representative Director and President Yoshihiro Terada
Business details | Rice business, rice cooking business, trading business, etc.
Installed equipment|Pressure IH rice cooking line (72 pots x 2 lines)


Suitable for high-mix, low-volume production situations

The new rice cooking factory, completed in April 2008, has installed Satake's "arm rack type IH rice cooking line." Regarding IH rice cooking, President Terada said, "It has an optimal heat pattern built in, so you can cook evenly, fluffy, and delicious rice without relying on experience.Because it cooks rice one at a time rather than continuously, it is perfect for today's high-mix, low-volume production. It also matches the current situation." Additionally, robots centrally manage soaking and cooking, leading to a reduction in the need for transportation equipment.

Bringing out the natural goodness of rice

In 2017, sales increased with the debut of Ishikawa Prefecture's original variety "Hyakumanku". In anticipation of further expansion of production capacity and improvement of rice cooking performance, we updated our equipment to a "pressurized IH rice cooking line (72 x 2 lines)" from November 2022 to February the following year. This device is Satake's first in the industry to achieve pressure cooking at 1.2 atmospheres and 106 degrees Celsius, and its features include reducing uneven cooking, maintaining delicious taste, and maintaining a dry environment. "The rice is sticky and very delicious.It really brings out the natural goodness of the rice," says President Terada. It has received high praise at school lunch sites, where it is said to be "tasty even when cold."

Going forward, Yoneshin Ishikawa plans to focus on developing new products that meet consumer needs and expanding sales, with a particular focus on sales outside the prefecture and the development of products whose taste deteriorates slowly.

Yoshihiro Terada
Representative Director and President

Beishin Ishikawa's own products

Rice cooking line

Interview video



Please feel free to contact us for a quote and consultation.